New Signage Compliments

New Signage Compliments

Have you noticed? Our new sign makes us easier to find! We are receiving compliments from patients and business neighbors. Take a drive down Burlington Boulevard and tell us what you think. Better yet, stop by for your next appointment. You won’t have trouble...

Medicare 101 Seminars

VibrantUSA (vibrantusa.com) is conducting free Informational Seminars on Medicare insurance. The seminars are designed for those turning 65 or anyone in need of a better understanding of the complex world of Medicare insurance. Please call 866-733-5111 for...

Stretch Your Dollars With CareCredit

CareCredit (carecredit.com) is a healthcare credit card designed for you and your family. It helps you pay for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by medical insurance. It is different from a regular credit card. No interest short-term options are available as well as...